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Profile Description
Dr. Aldwin is a general dentist with almost twenty years of experience. He previously worked for a private practice in the Bay Area prior to moving here in the South Bay. He constantly looks for opportunities to expand his knowledge and skill set, in order to bring the latest techniques to his practice. His primary goal is to provide a compassionate and meticulous standard of care to his patients while focusing on creating a comfortable and enjoyable environment. He takes time to get to know his patients and ensures that they understand every aspect of their treatment. He also takes pride in the quality of his work and in the positive feedback he gets from his patients. He is experienced with a comprehensive array of treatments that can help patients restore the health, function, and appearance of their teeth. He offers a full range of preventative, restorative and cosmetic dentistry, from regular check-ups to root canal treatments, crowns, bridges, veneers, dentures, teeth whitening, implant restorations and he is a certified Invisalign provider.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q.How soon can I make an appointment with Dr.ALDWIN LUMANLAN?
Ans.Generally, Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN has appointments available on 18dentistry.com within 1 week. You can see Dr. LUMANLAN's earliest availability on 18dentistry.com and make an appointment online.
Q.Is Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN accepting new patients?
Ans.Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN generally accepts new patients on 18dentistry.com. You can see Dr. LUMANLAN's earliest availability on 18dentistry.comand schedule an appointment online.
Q.Does Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN accept my insurance?
Ans.Choose your insurance plan to verify if Dr. LUMANLAN is in-network.
Q.Can I make an appointment with Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN online?
Ans.Yes, you can make an appointment online with Dr. LUMANLAN using 18dentistry.com. It’s simple, secure, and free.
Q.What practice does Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN work with?
Q.Where is Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN’s office located?
Ans.Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN's office is located at 26640 S WESTERN AVE, HARBOR CITY, CA, 90710.
Q.What are common reasons for patients to see Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN?
Ans.Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN frequently sees patients for Dental Cleaning, Dental Consultation, Dental Emergency, Dental Preventive Care, and Filling. You can see other visit reasons for Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN on their profile.
Q.What languages does Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN speak?
Ans.Dr.ALDWIN LUMANLAN speaks English. At this LUMANLAN ALDWIN English are spoken.
Q.How do patients rate Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN in reviews?
Ans.0 patients have reviewed Dr. ALDWIN LUMANLAN. The overall rating for this doctor is 0.0/5. They have a 0.0/5 rating for staff and a 0.0/5 rating for wait time. Practice is rated as 0.0/5. You can read individual reviews and ratings on their profile.
Q.Are fixed payment plans for specific treatments available with this Denitst?